Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Some writers claimed that indeed the Quran should have 115 chapters but the Sunni discarded the 115th chapter because of it content which glorifies Ali, the 4th Caliph of Islam. Among the writer was Abdallah Abd al-Fadi and Steven Masood. The Chapter contains seven verses. The chapter is shown below

It is claimed that the chapter al-Wilayah is the 115th chapter of the Quran and it has seven verses. Since it is the 115th chapter and has seven verses, it fall under the same category of chapter odd numbered chapter with odd number of verses. Now if we add 115 (the chapter number) to 6555 which is the total of the chapter numbers added together, it sum is 6670. If we add seven (which is the number of verses) to 6236 (which is the original number of verses of the Quran), the sum is 6243. Since this verse fall into the same category chapter, adding 115 and 7 to this group of chapter altered the sum from the original 6236 to 6358. There is no additional number to the different category of chapter i.e. odd numbered chapter with even number of verses and the even numbered chapters with odd number of verses. The sum remain 6555. Clearly the additional of one chapter has altered the balance and the equilibrium of the Quran.

Adding A Verse To A Chapter

William Muir, the British orientalist claimed that a verse which was whispered to the prophet Muhammad when he was receiving the chapter a Najm was discarded when he realized that the verse came from Satan. This verse was after the verse 20 of the chapter. Salman Rushdie (SIR!!!) picked up the story from William Muir and wrote a derogatory novel "The Satanic Verse" lampooning the prophet, his wife and Islam. Here is the verse:

This so called "The Satanic Verse" is a complete Arabic sentence. It means these are the idols whose intercession is being sought for". If this verse is included in the Chapter al-Najm, the number of verses changes from 62 to 63 verse, it change from even number of verse to odd number of verse. Changing the category will definitely alter the balance and the equilibrium of the whole Quran!


Since the revelation of the Quran, many people had attempted to challenge the authenticity of the Quran. They even wrote chapters which they claimed as at par with the eloquence of the Quran., but nobody has ever claimed of writing a book which they claimed as as eloquent as Quran except in 1999 when 4 people wrote a book which they called as "THE TRUE FURQAN" If you want to know more obout the false Quran, click the web site with the name False Quran undet the list of blog. If you want to read the boasting and the bragging about the "The True Furqan" please ckick the web named THE BRAGGING' and continue reading my blog to know more on the fallacies of The FALSE QURAN

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